Concepts App - live sketchnoting example

How I Use Concepts for Live Sketchnoting

Each week inside of Verbal to Visual I host a workshop in which we explore some particular aspect of the sketchnoting process.

As a way of practicing what I preach, I do some live sketchnoting throughout those calls and share my screen so that participants can see how the visual notes take shape.

My go-to app for that type of live and quick sketchnotings is Concepts, and in the video above I walk you through how I use that tool.

For those of you that are navigating the world of sketching and note-taking apps, I hope that my walkthrough is a helpful case study that you might be able to pull some ideas from.

If you’d like to dive deeper into the tablet-and-stylus tool combination for visual note-taking, that’s precisely what we explore in the course Digital Sketchnoting!

Throughout May and June of 2023 I’ll be releasing new video lessons for that course and hosting live events where you can share your work and ask questions. We’d love to see you there!

You can learn more about the course here: Digital Sketchnoting.

