I am so grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Collective. For over a year now, I have benefitted from the myriad of inspiring resources here. Every time I have a question, hit a “stuck spot” or need inspiration I come to the community here and I am never disappointed. 24 hours a day! I frequently use the search box so that I can find what I need quickly. The creative variety of workshops and instruction calls have helped me develop my skills over a surprisingly short amount of time. Doug is an efficient, supportive leader who encourages individuality and generously offers opportunities for member-led activities too. So we have some sweet mini-collectives going on which I have loved taking advantage of. I am excited to see how the Collective continues to thrive and evolve in the future, as every new member brings their style and interests to the group.
For me, the Collective is a great place to plan and develop my projects. The support and feedback from the community is very helpful and inspiring, and the many live workshops are really motivating. It’s a big learning community where people with very different goals, styles and areas of work learn together and give each other very valuable feedback. It’s this openness of mind and this diversity in a very well structured environment that I really appreciate about the Collective.
A full decade after I first joined the Verbal to Visual community, I still learn something new in every online meeting I participate in. Community members, whether veterans or recent additions, form an engaged and diverse group who always ask salient questions and provide insightful suggestions that have allowed me over the years to continuously grow as a sketchnoter. Doug maintains an amazingly welcoming and supportive community space where a passion for learning and creating together is at the forefront.
This community offers a space to share ideas, post creative work, and get feedback. The people in this community come from all different backgrounds all around the world and bring unique perspectives to the world of visual thinking and note-taking. I love the connection that is made both on the platform and off!
This community is awesome. It’s about visual communication but it’s so much more as well. Community members are supporting each others in any way that they can. There are members from all over the world which bring a great diversity too. Doug inspires and nurtures the knowledge sharing. With new workshops every month there is always something to look forward to.
I never liked to draw, and limited myself to digital tools for visual thinking. Now I routinely use hand-drawn sketches and illustrations for personal and business purposes. I still can’t “draw” but my illustrations get ideas across quickly and trigger lively, deep, and productive discussions.
I owe this transformation to the Verbal to Visual community. Doug has created a unique environment for learning, experimenting, and developing confidence. The community offers a winning combination of structured lessons and workshops to help develop new skills, live events that foster trust and friendship with other community members, and, above all, a community of people who are passionate about learning, visual thinking, and cheering each other on.
If you’re serious about taking your thinking and communication to the next level, Verbal to Visual is the place to be! Regardless of your current skills (or lack thereof), you will discover talents you never imagined you had. With the help of friends you never imagined existed.